Delivery: Shipping is complimentary for the majority of products on Decure. However, specific products may incur delivery fees based on their nature and the delivery location pin code.

Track Your Order: After placing your order, you’ll promptly receive an email confirming receipt. A second email will notify you when your order has been shipped. You can monitor your order status by logging into your account, where we will provide details about the shipping company and tracking ID.

We employ multiple logistical partners, including our team, suppliers’ team, and third-party logistic providers, to ensure efficient product delivery.

Delivery Charges: While delivery is free for many products, certain items may be subject to delivery fees. These charges are calculated based on the product, customer location, and total order value, clearly indicated on the product detail page before checkout.

For some bulky products, an additional charge may apply for doorstep delivery in multi-storied buildings (for climbing each floor). The range of this extra charge will be specified on the product detail page and is payable directly to the delivery personnel. Alternatively, you can opt for standard/ground floor delivery, where you arrange to pick up the products from the ground floor.

Delivery Time: The delivery time depends on the ordered product and the delivery location. An estimated delivery timeframe is provided on the product details page. Please note that this delivery time is indicative and may vary due to external factors.

Shipping Backorders or Multiple Products: On occasion, we may need to backorder or source inventory from various suppliers, resulting in different parts of your order originating from different locations.

We make an effort to ship available items together when you order more than one item. If only some items are available at a single location, we reserve the right to ship multiple packages from various locations/suppliers. Importantly, breaking your order into multiple packages will not incur any additional freight or delivery charges.

In the rare event that we cannot ship your complete order, we may ship the available stock and backorder the remaining items. You will be notified via email of the estimated delivery date for backordered items, with no additional freight or delivery charges incurred for these items.